Pool-Table Babe
Sexy girls think, that the billiard table is just a strip podium. And balls and holes are only preventing to perform the show lying on the table. But you still want to win the pool game! And the girl only prevents you to put balls to pockets...
Duplex Billiard-6
Duplex billiard - both players play simultaneously, whoever hit the ball (last touch) score this ball. And those sexy lesbians are your support team!
Turning Pool-2
If you can imagine the billiard game on the turning table, then the billiard table of two turning disks is also possible. And the pole dancer may make it all even more rotating
Turning Pool
Have you played billiard on the rotating table? It may be hard, but it is fun to see your busty opponent turning on her pole and on the turning table. So, some skill, and you will strip her to the top...!
Duplex Billiard-5i
Duplex Billiard, when you play simultaneously with your opponent. This time with inverted scoring - score more opponents balls and win the sexual lesbian show!
Triplex Billiard-3i
Triplex Billiard with inverted scoring system - put more opponents balls to pockets to win and undress both these sexy girls on your table
Duplex Billiard Fan
Have you seen a football fan, that runs out on the field and scores the goal? So - the same, but with billiard. You are so active fan of one of players, that you even move billiard pockets, to help her to win! Yes, she is sexy. Both of them are sexy!
... as the cowboy in the billiard saloon... Cues are for losers! Real guys use their guns to score balls to pockets. And sexy girls are happy to reward the winner with their strip show!
Good idea to make a mix of Golf and billiard, it is much easier to aim and hit the hole on the field with the ball. Also, such a strange playing style attracts girls fans attention. They even may strip for you to reward your good shots
One Ass on Two Tables
Strip your sexy blonde opponent by winnin from her on 2 billiard tables simultaneously. Dont wait for your turn, make your shot, when your cue ball has stopped, and switch to another table...
Sexy Billiard
How to make standard billiard game more entertaining - take the sexy opponent and make her stripping when she loses... Each next set - her strip gets deeper...
BilliBall-4 (Duo)
The new mix of Billiard with Pushball on two tables. Make higher sum, by placing balls on higher numbers than your opponent. And receive the strip reward from this sexy young blonde
Moving Billiard-3
The moving surface of the billiard table moves balls and makes it not so easy to aim and put the ball to the pocket. But if you will sink the needed quantity of balls in 2 minutes, the sexiest strip show is waiting for the winner!
Pool in Pool-2
You may play billiard and swim in the pool. The mattress is a good enough floating billiard table. And pool girls are waiting to reward the winner!
Pulsing Pool
The usual billiard game may become non-standard, if to give to players the pulsing driver, instead of a cue. Even professionals will need to adapt, to put the ball to the pocket... But, anyway, beautiful girls will support the winner
When people have invented billiard game, they have not invented cues (sticks), and rolled balls with their hands. But sexy girls were invented long before, so they were present even in prehistoric billiard
The mix of Billiard and PushBall - BilliBall: put your balls on highest numbers. Your score is the sum of balls values. Make your score higher than opponents, to get to the next strip show level
4Some Pool
You play billiard in foursome on a table with three sexy girls opponents. Each player wants to score more opponents balls. The loser strips, hope, not you...
4 billiard tables, 3 sexy girls,... just move your balls! 3 girls opponents is 3 times more than one!
Billiard table has 52 pockets with poker cards. Put your balls to cards-pockets, to make the best poker combination. The winner receives the hot reward from the lesbian support team
New mix of Billiard with Poker: pockets are on the table surface, and each hole has its card. When some ball gets to the hole, it receives the card value, and goes to your hand. Pretty girls are waiting for your best combinations...
Girls of Holes-2
Six girls are hiding in holes on the billiard table. You may catch them, when they peep out from their holes - put the billiard ball to girls hole, to strip her
Pockets Girls-6
Pocket's girls are back on billiard with stupid opponent, who wants to dress back your stripping girls. This time you may block pockets for the opponent, not to allow him to sink balls to pockets
Sexy mix of Billiard with Poker: PokerPool on the wide table. Billiard balls are marked as poker cards. Make a shot, to touch 5 balls, to make the best Poker Combination. Lesbians at the background will not prevent you, they are busy with their own game..